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Electronic Information Engineering Technology(电子信息工程技术专业介绍-英文版)

编辑:新葡的京集团8814发布 阅读人数: 发布时间:2023年09月05日 17:47

Professional Features

1.Specialty development

——Keymajor in ChongQing

——keymajor that is supported by ChongQing Finance department and the Central People’sGovernment

——Majorwhich is used to lead and help a lot of Secondary vocational schools

——AFive-year experimental major in Chongqing

2. Perfect Practical Training Conditions

——Electrical,Electronic and Automation training base

——Electronicproduct design and innovation laboratory for students

——8Professional training rooms, 2 Teaching factories, and 10 off-campus trainingbase

——Morethan 4570 square meters of intramural practical training base, and more than2782 equipments and apparatus

——AltiumElectronic designer laboratory in Chong Qing College of Electronic Engineering

3. Strong faculty

——Provincialteaching team in Chongqing

——Award-winningteacher in national vocational skills competitions

——Directorof Vocational and technical education of China Electronic Education Society     

——Member of thenational semiconductor lighting engineering R & D and industry alliancehuman resources committee

——Member of ChongqingSteering Committee on Electronic

——Teacherswith bilingual teaching ability

4、Teaching and scientific researchachievements

——Firstprize for National Vocational College Skill competition

——Firstprize for National University students electronic design competition

——Havepublished More than 40 high-level papers(SCI/EI)

——Havegained more than 10 Utility model patents, more than 5 Patent for inventions, 3Software copyrights

——Morethan 20 projects which are above the Municipal levels

——Havegained more than 20 rewards

Professional profile

Training objectives:

This specialtytrains all-rounddevelopment of morality, intelligence, physique and kindness skilled studentswho are familiar with the basic knowledge of electronic technology,communication technology and network technology, and are engaged ininstallation and debugging of electronic information system equipment, systemintegration project planning and design, integrated wiring, engineeringimplementation and technical support, and could be adapted to industrialtransformation and upgrading and enterprise technology.      

Training features:

This specialty relies on industry enterprise developmentcapability standards, sets up module courses for professional positions basedon the real task, organizes the alternation of work and study based on the workprocess, and implements workplace appraisal. The learning process is very interesting.It will be easy for students to obtain employment and getgood income. By means of the national vocational school skillscompetition, the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Competition, theInternet + innovation and entrepreneurship competition, we will develop theinnovative ability and entrepreneurial awareness of the students.


After graduation, students are mainly engaged inequipment (maintenance / commissioning) engineering, electronic productsoftware development assistant engineer, electronic product hardwaredevelopment assistant engineer, system integration sales specialist, weakcurrent construction technician, system / network administrator and otherpositions.

Cooperative enterprises:

Our specialty cooperates with Chongqing JingdongfangPhotoelectric Technology Co., Ltd., SK Hailishi Semiconductor (Chongqing) Co.,Ltd., Haier Group, Xinhua Jingji Co., Ltd., Chongqing, Mengxun Electronics Co.,Ltd., and FuJian XingwangRuijie Communications Co., Ltd.

