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Internet of Things Application Technology(物联网应用技术专业介绍-英文版)

编辑:新葡的京集团8814发布 阅读人数: 发布时间:2023年09月05日 17:47


Somecharacteristics of this major


1. It is an IoT major with the greatestinfluence in Chongqing, and it

l  is a national special IoT major in high vocational colleges.

l  is a key construction major of Chongqing.

l  hosts more than 20 visits and exchange activities from domestic andforeign colleges each year.

l  have a number of teachers who are also experts in the national,provincial and ministerial IoT competitions.


2. It is an IoT major with the most remarkableachievements in Chongqing, and it has

l  won 3 first prizes in national professional skills competition.

l  published more than 23 high-level papers (SCI/EI indexed, PKUChinese Core Journals, etc.).

l  sponsored more than 23 research projects of provincial orministerial level or above.

l  more than 60 national patents.

l  composed 5 textbooks for the 12th Five-Year Plan of Ministry ofEducation.


3. It is an IoT major with the mostIndustry-University cooperation platforms of provincial or ministerial -levelin Chongqing including

l  the IoT practical training base of MIIT.

l  the IoT application training base of Chongqing.

l  the Chen Liang National Master Studio. (Mr. Liang Chen is the deanof the School of Electronics and Internet of Things, CQCEE)

l  the Industry-University cooperation office of Chongqing IoT industry


4. It is an IoT major with the largestscale in China, and

l  it has 664 students on campus and 27 teachers major in IoT in 2018.

l  60% of the teachers are qualified with senior titles or PhD degrees.

l  30% of the teachers have ever studied or worked abroad.

l  50% of the teachers have ever worked in enterprises.

l  the practical training sites are more than 1000 square meters.

l  the gross value of the practical training facilities is more thanRMB 5 million.        


5. It is an IoT major with notableachievements in the work of the students and CCYL, and it has

l  been awarded the Most Influential Item Prize of the ‘ThousandUniversities, Thousand Items’ Project by China Communist Youth League CentralCommittee.

l  won the Outstanding Team Prize of "Sanxiaxiang" Project ofChongqing four years in succession.

l  an outstanding student named Yangjie who was nominated for ChineseUniversity Students' Star of Self-improvement.


Overviewof this major


This major aims to cultivate high-qualitytechnical students with knowledge of Internet of Things system integration,information processing and information applications, Internet of Things systemconstruction, testing, management, operation and maintenance.



This major is devoted to the cultivation ofstudents' sustainable development ability. The main educational characteristicsare as follows.

l  To enhance the vocational core competitiveness by embeddingautonomous learning, cooperating with others, solving problems, and otherparts.  

l  To enhance professional technical skills through activities such asworkplace experience, vacation practice, etc.

l  To cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial ability throughactivities like science technology and culture activities, IoT professionalskills competitions, IoT innovation design competitions and so on.



The graduates of this major are competentfor the

l  design and development of IoT system

l  cost and evaluation of IoT system

l  product and system testing

l  management and maintenance of IoT system

l  IoT product planning

l  marketing and technical support for IoT system(product)

l  etc.



This major has established long-termcooperation with more than 30 enterprises, including China Mobile IoT CompanyLimited, CAICT, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., Newland Technology Group, ChinaUnicom(Chongqing), China Telecom(Chongqing), Chongqing Communication IndustryServices Co. Ltd., Chongqing Yilian Digital Polytron Technologies Co. Ltd., etc.      




